How to order the fully licensed version of WinImage
WinImage is a shareware product. You may copy, distribute, and try it for free,
but if you use for longer than the evaluation period, you must register. You
will receive a valid license, a registration code and the latest release.
If you register WinImage, I will send you a registration number. When you
choose Registering in the Option menu, and enter this registration number, you
will be able to hide the opening screen in the Preference (Option menu).
WinImage pricing
The price of WinImage standard is US$ 30.00 (about 30 Euro).
The price for an upgrade from WinImage standard (or a version of WinImage
previous to 4.0) to WinImage professional is US$ 30.00 (about 30 Euro). I'll
check if you are already a registered user when you order an upgrade.
The price for WinImage professional, full version, is US$ 60.00 (about 60 Euro).
Contact me by email for site license
pricing. Site license pricing entails lucrative discounts for multiple
The upgrade from any version of WinImage prior to 4.0 or WinImage 4.0/5.0/6.0
standard to WinImage 6.10 standard is FREE, you just need to
download it!
The upgrade from WinImage 4.0/5.0/6.0 Professional to WinImage 6.10
Professional is FREE, you just need to download it!
Ordering WinImage
Yaskifo is a registration service for registering WinImage on-line
through a secure transactions server. You may select your local currency (US
dollars, the European Currency EURO, Yen, and more). Yaskifo accepts
payments made with Visa, Eurocard-Mastercard, and American Express
cards (AMEX payments may be made only in US dollars and the Euro). You may
place an order for WinImage standard, WinImage Professional or the
WinImage SDK at Yaskifo.
here to register using the Yaskifo secure registration service
You may purchase WinImage using PayPal. Visa,
Mastercard, American Express and Discover cards are
accepted at PayPal. Registered PayPal customers can make payments directly from
their USA bank accounts. Send money to address info@winimage.com, or just click
on one of the icons below (in US dollars):
You can also pay in Euro currency (€) with Paypal, using your credit
card or paypal account:
Use Psl/Digibuy only if you have a Discover card, or if you want to fax
or phone in your credit card number while ordering (Discover, Visa, Amex
or Mastercard accepted). You may also fax a purchase order to Digibuy or
send a check drawn in US dollars by mail after filling the order form on
the Digibuy page. Psl and Digibuy have now merged.
Click here to order using Psl/Digibuy secure ordering
When Yaskifo, Paypal, or PsL/Digibuy notifies us of your order, we'll email you
the WinImage registration code, and you will also receive a 1.44 Mb floppy disk
containing the latest version of WinImage and a license by "snail mail".
Israel users can register
with Software Sources.
German users can register
with Zensor/Sharible.
Japanese users can register
with P & A.
Korean users can register with CMI company.
Chinese users can register with Qast company.
You may also send a check (drawn in US Dollars from an American bank or in the
Euro from a French bank) to :
Gilles Vollant
4, rue de Morsang
91600 Savigny sur Orge